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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
H S A _ G R A F H S A _ G R A F
Multi-Adapter Graphics Library for C
Hardwood Software Associates
10-Sep-87 Page 1
Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
Hardwood Software Associates ____________________________
HSA_GRAF is copyrighted by Hardwood Software Associates. You are granted
a limited license to use HSA_GRAF. You may also copy and distribute it,
provided that the following conditions are met:
1. No fee may be charged for such copying and distribution.
2. HSA_GRAF may ONLY be distributed in its original, unmodified state.
Any voluntary contributions for the use of this program will be
appreciated, and should be sent to:
Hardwood Software Associates
364 Benson Road
Northbridge, Ma 01534
A contribution of at least $15 will require that you accept a floppy disk
containing the source code for HSA_GRAF. Remember only you can support
shareware. Your support encourages growth. If you use it you should
support it.
The author, Richard "Spike" Evans may be reached on CompuServe at
All comments and suggestions are welcome. We love to get mail.
Please be advised that all the usual non-warranty warranties apply to
HSA_GRAF. Hardwood Software Associates does not guarantee that HSA_GRAF
will do any thing useful at all; although it has for us. Nor does
Hardwood Software Associates warrant that HSA_GRAF will not do anything
harmful; although it has not for us.
Trademarks __________
Hercules Graphics Crad is a trademark of Hercules Computer Technology
IBM P.C. is a trademark of International Business Machines
Lattice is a trademark of Lattice, Inc.
Microsoft C is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Turbo C is a trademark of Borland International
10-Sep-87 Page 2
Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
INTRODUCTION ____________
HSA_GRAF is a library of C functions that provide direct, fast ability to
create graphics on any one of the three major graphics boards available
for the IBM P.C. (Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), Enhanced Graphics Adapter
(EGA), and the Hercules Graphics Board). A single setup call establishes
the board in use, all functions used to create the actual graphics are
device independent. The functions have been developed and tested for
the Microsoft versions 3.00 and 4.00, Turbo C version 1.00, and
Lattice version 3.10 compilers. This library has two divisions. All
basic graphics functions begin with the prefix "gr_". The other
division, prefixed with "gs_" allows for creating scaled graphics. These
modules are:
GR_STAT - Status functions
GR_STR - String display functions
GR_FILL - Area fill functions
GR_MISC - Miscellaneous functions
GR_ATTR - Functions to control screen attributes
GR_DRAW - Functions to draw points and lines
GR_SCALE - Function to perform screen scaling
GR_ARC - Functions to draw arcs and circles
GR_EGA - EGA support functions
GR_HERC - Hercules support functions
GR_GETS - Graphics get a string function
This distribution contains two object library files:
S_MS_HSA.LIB - Small memory model library (Microsoft)
S_LC_HSA.LIB - Small memory model library (Lattice)
S_TC_HSA.LIB - Small memory model library (Turbo)
10-Sep-87 Page 3
Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
GENERAL _______
The "gr" functions are a set of low level functions that get you fast
efficient control of the text screen. These functions keep track of two
next sequential screen locations (x and y); one for lines and points,
the other for string display. These locations are referred to as the
current location.
The X axis is the horizontal axis, with 0 at the left, positive direction
to the right. The Y axis is the vertical axis with 0 optionally at the
top or the bottom, positive direction down or up. The X and Y coordinates
passed to all functions are 0 based. If the X or Y coordinate passed to
any function is equal to -1 the current X or Y location coordinate is
The header file hsa_gr.h defines all functions included in the HSA_GRAF
function library. Also included in hsa_gr.h are several useful
constants, macros, and structures.
The current implementation supports the following graphics modes:
Hercules Monochrome (720x348)
CGA - two color (640x200)
EGA - 16 color (640x350)
AT&T - two color (640x400)
Refer to MSC_GR.BAT, TCC_GR.BAT and LC_GR.BAT for information on how to
compile and link for the Microsoft and Lattice compilers.
10-Sep-87 Page 4
Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
GR_STAT - Status Functions __________________________
NAME: G_STATE - Returns current video state G_STATE
SYNOPSIS: g_state ();
DESCRIPTION: Calls BIOS INT 10 with function code 15 to get
current video state.
RETURNS: Text modes:
0 = 40x25 Black and white
1 = 40x25 Color
2 = 80x25 Black and white
3 = 80x25 Color
Graphics modes:
4 = 320x200 Color
5 = 320x200 Black and white
6 = 640x200 Black and white
7 = Monochrome
D = 320x200 on color monitor (EGA)
E = 640x200 (EGA)
F = 640x350 on monochrome (EGA)
10 = 640x350 on EGA monitor (EGA)
64 = 640x400 Black and white (AT&T)
CAUTIONS: Mode must be 7 for Hercules graphics routines
NAME: G_HERC - Use Hercules monochrome graphics board G_HERC
SYNOPSIS: g_herc ();
DESCRIPTION: Use the Hercules monochrome graphics board. This is
the default mode.
NAME: G_CGA_HR - Use IBM CGA in high resolution (640x200) G_CGA_HR
SYNOPSIS: g_cga_hr ();
DESCRIPTION: Use the IBM color graphics adapter in high
resolution mode.
NAME: G_EGA_HR_CO - Use IBM EGA in high resolution G_EGA_HR_CO
(640x350) mode
SYNOPSIS: g_ega_hr_co ();
DESCRIPTION: Use the IBM EGA in high resolution (640x350) color
NAME: G_OTHER - Use another variety of graphics adapter G_OTHER
SYNOPSIS: g_other (x,y,interlace,segment,mode);
int x,y; Number of pixels in each
int interlace; Interlace factor
(always a power of 2)
For example:
2 - IBM color (non interlaces
10-Sep-87 Page 5
Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
200 rows)
4 - 400 rows interlaced (AT&T 64)
unsigned int segment; Segment for graphics memory
int mode; BIOS graphics mode to use
DESCRIPTION: CRT controller is another type. All mode switching
is done via BIOS calls.
NAME: G_DELAY - Set delay for screen switching G_DELAY
SYNOPSIS: g_delay(delay);
int delay;
DESCRIPTION: Set the delay before turning screen on when
switching between graphics and text modes on
Hercules boards. In order to prevent screen jump,
and sometimes garbage appearing on the screen, it is
necessary to delay for a while before turning on the
screen. The delay loop count is set by this
routine. The default delay loop is 7000.
CAUTIONS: Delays <=0 are ignored.
NAME: DISP_GRAPH - Set the display to graphics mode DISP_GRAPH
SYNOPSIS: disp_graph ();
DESCRIPTION: The board is set to the graphics mode, displaying
the currently active graphics page. Before turning
on the screen a delay loop controlled by "g_delay"
is executed to prevent screen bounce. If not in the
Hercules mode the BIOS equipment flag is retrieved
and saved before switching it to the color crt mode.
1 - Error (not in video mode 7 for Hercules)
NAME: DISP_TEXT - Set the board to the text mode DISP_TEXT
SYNOPSIS: disp_text(mode);
int mode; Text mode to use (non
Hercules only)
For IBM: 0 thru 3 OK
DESCRIPTION: The board is set to the text mode. Before turning
on the screen a delay loop controlled by "g_delay"
is executed to prevent screen bounce. If in the
BIOS mode the old equipment flag is restored.
NAME: G_LOC - Return current location G_LOC
SYNOPSIS: g_loc (x,y);
int *x; X coordinate
(0 <= x <= max X)
int *y; Y coordinate
(0 <= y <= max Y)
DESCRIPTION: Return the location of the current pixel unscaled.
NAME: G_R_ORIGIN - Return the current origin location G_R_ORIGIN
SYNOPSIS: g_r_origin();
DESCRIPTION: Return the current origin location.
RETURNS: 0 - Upper left corner of screen
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
1 - Lower left corner of screen
NAME: G_R_POINT - Return the color of the specified pixel G_R_POINT
SYNOPSIS: g_r_point(x,y);
int x; X coordinate
(0 <= x <= max X)
int y; Y coordinate
(0 <= y <= max Y)
DESCRIPTION: Return the color of the specified pixel.
RETURNS: The color of the specified pixel.
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
GR_STR - String Display Functions _________________________________
NAME: G_STR_H - Display a horizontal message on screen G_STR_H
SYNOPSIS: g_str_h (x,y,msg);
int x; pixel address of x
int y; pixel address of y.
char *msg; Message to display.
DESCRIPTION: Display a horizontal message on the screen at the
specified X,Y coordinates. (X = -1 - use last ones
CAUTIONS: Uses ROM character table.
Last coordinates for characters are different than
last point/line coordinates.
GR_FILL - Area Fill Function ____________________________
NAME: G_FILL - Fill an area from a seed G_FILL
SYNOPSIS: g_fill (x,y,new_color);
int x; Seed x pixel address
int y; Seed y pixel address
int new_color; Color to fill with
DESCRIPTION: Starting at the seed location fill the screen with
the specified color until a boundary is reached. A
boundary pixel is one that has a color different
than the original seed pixel color.
CAUTIONS: Because this routine calls itself recursively, it
can use a great deal of stack space. Approximately
26 bytes per horizontal line of fill should be
allowed. This means that to fill a Hercules screen
would require a stack size of at least 8352 bytes.
NOTE: This routine is adapted from a Pascal routine
published in the May, 1986 issue of Computer
Language Magazine by William F. Polik
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
GR_MISC - Miscellaneous Functions _________________________________
NAME: G_SAVE - Save the current graphics screen image in G_SAVE
the buffer
SYNOPSIS: g_save (buffer,number);
int buffer[number]; Buffer to receive screen
int number; Number of words to save
CAUTIONS: This routine saves the entire graphics screen, it is
not a window save, No checking is done to insure
that the buffer is large enough. For the Hercules
board the array should be 16384. For the EGA
board only the last bit plane is saved, therefore
it might not be as useful.
NAME: G_RESTORE - Restore the graphics screen image from G_RESTORE
the buffer
SYNOPSIS: g_restore (buffer,number);
int buffer[number]; Buffer containing screen
int number; Number of words to save
CAUTIONS: This routine restore the entire graphics screen, it
is not a window restore.
NAME: G_ORIGIN - Set screen origin location G_ORIGIN
SYNOPSIS: g_origin (loc);
int loc; Origin location:
0 - Upper left corner
1 - Lower left corner
DESCRIPTION: Set screen origin location. If the origin is
upper left (default) then positive Y is down.
If the origin is lower left then positive Y
is up.
RETURNS: 0 - successful
-1 - Invalid location
NAME: G_BS_H - Back space one character position G_BS_H
SYNOPSIS: g_bs_h ();
DESCRIPTION: Back space the current character position one place.
NAME: G_CLR - Clear the current graphics page G_CLR
SYNOPSIS: g_clr ();
DESCRIPTION: Clears the current graphics page and the current
coordinate values for lines and characters.
If EGA, then background color fills screen.
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
GR_ATTR - Functions to Control Screen Attributes ________________________________________________
NAME: G_SOLID - Set line type to solid G_SOLID
SYNOPSIS: g_solid ();
DESCRIPTION: Set line type to solid lines.
NAME: G_DOT - Set line type to dotted G_DOT
SYNOPSIS: g_dot ();
DESCRIPTION: Set line type to dotted lines.
NAME: G_DASH - Set line type to dashed G_DASH
SYNOPSIS: g_dash ();
DESCRIPTION: Set line type to dashed lines.
NAME: G_SET_LINE - Set line type mask G_SET_LINE
SYNOPSIS: g_set_line (type);
unsigned int type; Line type mask
DESCRIPTION: Set line type. The line type is a word that defines
if the next pel will be set. If the bit is 1 the
the element is set. For example:
type = 0x3333; /* Set two pel then skip two */
NAME: G_FORE_COLOR - Set foreground color G_FORE_COLOR
SYNOPSIS: g_fore_color (color);
int color; Foreground color
DESCRIPTION: Sets the foreground color. The foreground color is
used to draw lines and display strings.
NAME: G_BACK_COLOR - Set background color G_BACK_COLOR
SYNOPSIS: g_back_color (color);
int color; Background color
DESCRIPTION: Sets the background color. The background color is
used to clear the screen and behind display strings.
NAME: G_REVERSE_COLOR - Swap foreground and background G_REVERSE_COLOR
SYNOPSIS: g_reverse_color ();
DESCRIPTION: Swaps the current foreground color with the current
background color.
NAME: G_MODE - Set mode for screen drawing G_MODE
SYNOPSIS: g_mode(mode);
int mode; pixel set mode for all
graphics commands.
Graphics (lines/points):
0 = clear bit
1 = set bit
2 = exclusive OR bit
Graphics text:
0 = reverse video
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
1 = normal video
2 = exclusive OR
DESCRIPTION: Set up the mode for setting pixels for all other
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
GR_DRAW - Functions to Draw Lines and Points ____________________________________________
NAME: G_POINT - Set the specified pixel in the current G_POINT
graphics page
SYNOPSIS: g_point (x,y);
int x; X coordinate of pixel
(0 <= x <= max X)
int y; Y coordinate of pixel
(0 <= y <= max Y)
DESCRIPTION: Sets the pixel at the specified coordinate according
to the current mode (see g_mode). Saves the
coordinates for future calls.
NAME: G_LINE - Draw a line G_LINE
SYNOPSIS: g_line (x1,y1,x2,y2);
int x1; X coordinate of start of line
(0 <= x1 <= max X)
int y1 Y coordinate of start of line
(0 <= y1 <= max Y)
int x2; X coordinate of end of line
(0 <= x2 <= max X)
int y2 Y coordinate of end of line
(0 <= y2 <= max Y)
DESCRIPTION: Draw a line between the specified coordinates.
If any coordinate value is equal to -1 then the
coordinate value set by previous graphics call
is used.
10-Sep-87 Page 12
Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
GR_SCALE - Functions to Perform Screen Scaled Actions _____________________________________________________
NAME: G_SCALE - Set screen scale factors G_SCALE
SYNOPSIS: g_scale (xdots,ydots);
int xdots; pixels per inch horizontal
(default = 90)
int ydots; pixels per inch vertical
(default = 63)
DESCRIPTION: Set the scale factors for x and y axes (in pixels per
inch). These scale factors are used by all "gs"
CAUTIONS: Both values must be <= 255.
If scale factors set incorrectly, circles will not
be round and squares will be rectangles.
NAME: GS_LOC - Return current location (scaled) GS_LOC
SYNOPSIS: gs_loc (x,y);
int *x; X coordinate of pixel
(0 <= x <= max X*xdots*1000)
int *y; Y coordinate of pixel
(0 <= y <= max Y*ydots*1000)
DESCRIPTION: Return the location of the current pixel scaled.
NAME: GS_POINT - Set a pixel (scaled) GS_POINT
SYNOPSIS: gs_point (x,y);
int x; X coordinate of pixel
(0 <= x <= max X*xdots*1000)
int y; Y coordinate of pixel
(0 <= y <= max Y*ydots*1000)
DESCRIPTION: Set the pixel at the specified scaled coordinate
according to the current mode (see g_mode).
Save the coordinates for future calls, arguments in
screen inches * 1000.
NAME: GS_R_POINT - Return the color of the specified pixel GS_R_POINT
SYNOPSIS: g_r_point(x,y);
int x; X coordinate
(0 <= x <= max X*xdots*1000)
int y; Y coordinate
(0 <= y <= max Y*ydots*1000)
DESCRIPTION: Return the color of the specified pixel.
RETURNS: The color of the specified pixel.
NAME: GS_LINE - Draw a line (scaled) GS_LINE
SYNOPSIS: gs_line (x1,y1,x2,y2);
int x1; X coordinate of start of line
(0 <= x1 <= max X*xdots*1000)
int y1; Y coordinate of start of line
(0 <= y1 <= max Y*ydots*1000)
int x2; X coordinate of end of line
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
(0 <= x2 <= max X*xdots*1000)
int y2; Y coordinate of end of line
(0 <= y2 <= max Y*ydots*1000)
DESCRIPTION: Draw a line between the specified coordinates according
to current mode (see g_mode) and line type. If any
coordinate value is equal to -1 then the coorniate
value of the current location is used.
NAME: GS_STR_H - Display a horizontal message on screen GS_STR_H
SYNOPSIS: gs_str_h (x,y,msg);
int x; X coordinate of start of message
int y; Y coordinate of start of message
char *msg; Message to display.
DESCRIPTION: Display a horizontal message on the screen at the
specified X,Y coordinates. (X = -1 - use last ones
CAUTIONS: Uses ROM character table.
Last coordinates for characters are different than
last point/line coordinates.
10-Sep-87 Page 14
Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
GR_ARC - Draw Circular Arcs ___________________________
NAME: GS_ARC - Draw a circular arc (scaled) GS_ARC
gs_arc (x1,y1,x2,y2,xc,yc,cw);
int x1; X coordinate of start of arc
(0 <= x1 <= max X*xdots*1000)
int y1; Y coordinate of start of arc
(0 <= y1 <= max Y*ydots*1000)
int x2; X coordinate of end of arc
(0 <= x2 <= max X*xdots*1000)
int y2; Y coordinate of end of arc
(0 <= y2 <= max Y*ydots*1000)
int xc; X coordinate of center of arc
(0 <= x2 <= max X*xdots*1000)
int yc; Y coordinate of center of arc
(0 <= y2 <= max Y*ydots*1000)
int cw; Direction of arc:
1 = Clockwise
0 = Counterclockwise
DESCRIPTION: Draw a circular arc using scaled coordinates from
(x1,y1) to (x2,y2) centered at (xc,yc).
RETRUNS: 1 = Bad circle defined by parameters
0 = All OK
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
GR_HERC - Hercules Graphics Support ___________________________________
NAME: G_PAGE - Set graphics page for Hercules G_PAGE
SYNOPSIS: g_page (page);
int page; Page to use for all
subsequent calls
DESCRIPTION: Set the current graphics page that will be used for
all subsequent graphics calls.
RETURNS: 0 - successful
-1 - Invalid page
GR_GETS - Get a String from User in Graphics Screen ___________________________________________________
NAME: G_GETS - Get a string from console in graphics mode G_GETS
SYNOPSIS: char *g_gets (buffer);
char *buffer; Buffer for input string
DESCRIPTION: Operates just like "gets". Reads a string from the
keyboard, echoing to the graphics screen. The
terminating newline is replaced with a null byte.
RETURNS: Pointer to string
10-Sep-87 Page 16
Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
Alphabetical List of HSA_GRAF Functions _______________________________________
DISP_GRAPH Set the display to graphics mode
DISP_TEXT Set the board to the text mode
GS_ARC Draw a circular arc (scaled)
GS_LINE Draw a line (scaled)
GS_LOC Return current location (scaled)
GS_POINT Set a point (scaled)
GS_R_POINT Return the color of the specified point
GS_STR_H Display a horizontal message on screen
G_BACK_COLOR Set background color
G_BS_H Back space one character position
G_CGA_HR Use IBM CGA in high resolution (640x200)
G_CLR Clear the current graphics page
G_DASH Set line type to dashed
G_DELAY Set delay for screen switching
G_DOT Set line type to dotted
G_EGA_HR_CO Use IBM EGA in high resolution
G_FILL Fill an area from a seed
G_FORE_COLOR Set foreground color
G_GETS Get a string from console in graphics mode
G_HERC Use Hercules monochrome graphics board
G_LINE Draw a line
G_LOC Return current location
G_MODE Set mode for screen drawing
G_ORIGIN Set screen origin location
G_OTHER Use another variety of graphics adapter
G_PAGE Set graphics page for Hercules
G_POINT Set the specified pixel in the current
G_RESTORE Restore the graphics screen image from buffer
G_REVERSE_COLOR Swap foreground and background
G_R_ORIGIN Return the current origin location
G_R_POINT Return the color of the specified point
G_SAVE Save the current graphics screen image in buffer
G_SCALE Set screen scale factors
G_SET_LINE Set line type mask
G_SOLID Set line type to solid
G_STATE Returns current video state
G_STR_H Display a horizontal message on screen
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
Companion Library _________________
Hardwood Software Associates has developed companion library to the
HSA_GRAF library.
HSA_TEXT is a library of C functions that provide direct, fast control
over the IBM PC screen in text mode. The functions have been developed
and tested for the Microsoft versions 3.00 and 4.00, Turbo C
version 1.00, and Lattice version 3.10 C compilers. This library has two
divisions. All basic screen control functions begin with the prefix
"tx_". The window control functions all begin with "w_". The library is
contained in several modules, grouped by function.
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
HSA_GRAF Change History _______________________
Version Date Functions Modifications __________________________________________________________________________
1.01 24-Jul-87 All Released to the public
1.02 22-Aug-87 gs_arc Add function templates
to hsa_gr.h
hsa_graf.doc Correct a few
documentation errors
gr_str g_str_h was incorrectly
named g_msg_h
1.03 10-Sep-87 Turbo C support
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
Alphabetical List of HSA_TEXT Functions _______________________________________
TX_ATTR Read the current screen attribute
TX_ATTR_SET Set the current screen attribute
TX_BIOS Use BIOS for all I/O
TX_BLINK Set to blinking white on black
TX_BOLD Set to intense white on black
TX_B_B Set to intense blinking white on black
TX_CHR Display a character at a specified location
TX_CHR_A Display character using specified location and attribute
TX_CHR_A_C Continue display of character with specified attribute
TX_CHR_C Continue display of character
TX_CHR_O Display a character only at specified location
TX_CHR_O_C Display a character only, continued from current location
TX_CLR Clear the entire screen
TX_CLR_EOL Clear to the end of the line
TX_CLR_ROWS Clear a block of lines on the screen
TX_COL Read the current cursor column
TX_CONF Set crt screen memory address and 6845 address
TX_CUR_HIDE Hide the cursor
TX_CUR_SET Set the cursor start / stop scan lines
TX_CUR_SHOW Show the cursor
TX_DIRECT Access screen hardware directly
TX_DOWN Move the current location one row down
TX_FILL Fill a line with the specified number of a character
TX_FILL_A Fill a line with the specified number of a character
TX_FILL_A_C Fill a line with the specified number of a character
TX_FILL_C Fill a line with the specified number of a character
TX_GET_STATUS CRT status save
TX_LEFT Move the current location one column left
TX_LOC Set the current location
TX_NL Move the current location to the start of the next line
TX_NORM Set to white on black
TX_NO_COL Read the number of columns in screen
TX_NO_SNOW Don't wait for retrace to prevent snow
TX_PUT_STATUS CRT status restore
TX_RD_BLK Read a block of screen data
TX_RD_BLK_C Read a block of screen data, at current location
TX_RD_STR Read string from screen
TX_RD_STR_C Read string from screen at current location
TX_REVERSE Set to black on white
TX_RIGHT Move the current location one column right
TX_ROW Read the current cursor row
TX_SCDN Scroll window down one line
TX_SCUP Scroll window up one line
TX_SNOW Wait for retrace to prevent snow
TX_STATE Returns current video state
TX_STR Display string at specified location
TX_STR_A Display string using specified location and attribute
TX_STR_A_C Display a string, continued from current location
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Hardwood Software Associates
HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03) HSA_GRAF - Screen Graphics Library (V1.03)
TX_STR_C Display a string, continued from current location
TX_UNDER Set to underlined
TX_UP Move the current location one row up
TX_WR_BLK Write a block of screen data
TX_WR_BLK_C Write a block of screen data, at current location
W_BOT_MSG Display a message in the bottom border line
W_CLOSE Close a window
W_CLR Clear a window
W_CUR_LOC Display the screen cursor in the window
W_MENU1_FILL Fill a style 1 menu with data
W_MENU1_OPEN Open a menu style 1 window
W_MOVE Move a window
W_OPEN Open a window
W_SCDN Scroll data in window down
W_SCUP Scroll data in window up
W_STR Display a string in a window
W_STR_C Display a string in a window, at current location
W_STR_A Display a string in a window, with attribute
W_STR_C_A Display a string in a window, at current location
W_STR_COL Display a string in a window column
W_TOP_MSG Display a message in the top border line
W_USER_BORDER Set characters for user border
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